Sunday, May 31, 2009

好爽和好累的一天咯 ^^

今天, 我和朋友一起到 GURNEY 走走.....

我想在这里跟他说不过去 SORRY, COS I LATE..... T.T
希望能原谅我吧.... ^^

原本我要买 1.00PM 的 TERMINATOR SALVATION 的戏票.... 但.....
我知道 1.30PM 的座位可能 FULL 了... SO, 只好买2.40PM 的咯......

在那里, 我们享受了午餐后..... 就到 POPULAR..... 我买了很多的练习....
因为我怕我的 PHY, BIO, CHE, ADD MATH AND OSO MATH 会烂, 不能拿 A 在 SPM......
希望我这几科能拿 A 咯..... ^^

我的那位朋友太好笑了.... 但我不知道要如何去说她... 哈哈...
GURNEY 可说是走了一下就撞墙..... 希望我的朋友不会因为我而觉得闷咯....

朋友, 你会因为我而觉得闷吗????
希望你不会哦..... ^^

Movie i will watch ^^

It was not my intention to write four articles about Terminator Salvation in the last 24 hours, but sometimes that is just how the news flows. Warner Bros has released the official production notes for Termination Salvation, which features an extended plot synopsis. For those of you that are interested, I have included it after the jump.The year is 2018.
Judgment Day has come and gone, leveling modern civilization. An army of Terminators roams the post-apocalyptic landscape, killing or collecting humans where they hide in the desolate cities and deserts. But small groups of survivors have organized into a Resistance, hiding in underground bunkers and striking when they can against an enemy force that vastly outnumbers them.
Controlling the Terminators is the artificial intelligence network Skynet, which became self-aware 14 years earlier and, in the blink of an eye, turned on its creators, unleashing nuclear annihilation on an unsuspecting world.
Only one man saw Judgment Day coming. One man, whose destiny has always been intertwined with the fate of human existence: John Connor (Christian Bale).
Now the world is on the brink of the future that Connor has been warned about all his life. But something totally new has shaken his belief that humanity stands a chance of winning this war: the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a stranger from the past whose last memory is of being on death row before awakening in this strange, new world.
Connor must decide whether Marcus can be trusted. But as Skynet adapts new strategies to end the Resistance forever, Connor and Marcus must find common ground to take a stand against the onslaught—to infiltrate Skynet and meet the enemy head-on.

Friday, May 29, 2009


假期了.... 假期永远都是那么的好.......
假期要做什么就做什么..... 但今年F5 了...... 不同往日了...... 假期可能要苦读一些比较差的科目.......
HAIZ.... 好可怜的我啊!!!!! T.T
没关系啦.... 读就读咯.... 哈哈哈!!!!
只要有BLOG陪伴着我就可以了........ 这假期我就是这里的DJ.... 哇咯咯!!!!!
这DJ只是会跟大家聊聊咯........ 写写一些有趣的事情或歌... ^^
今天, 想跟大家分享的歌是王力宏的你和我......

这首歌非常地好听.... 里面有一句歌词是''你和我 在世界同一座擂台 别懦弱 拿出勇气对待
让眼泪 流出来 不是因为失败 幸福那个梦 就看你和我"
这歌词让我发现到有一些意思...... 可能只适合我咯, 这我不敢担保喔..........

我第一次听着首歌时, 就好像在告诉我... 叫我别放弃... 要做得更好... 在任何一方面都得要做好来...
现在我要大声的说:"我回来了!!!!!! 真正的我回来了!!!!!!!!"

有我的陪伴, 希望大家过个快快乐乐的假期... ^^